Sunday, September 28, 2014
The Python Spirit: What it's really after
Sunday, July 27, 2014
Meet God in Silence
Meet God in Silence
You have to be careful of the thoughts that you think and that on which you ponder. The Bible says think on those things which are lovely. Think on those things which are true. Think on those things which are honest. Think on those things which are pure. None of those things are supposed to be stressful. If it’s lovely, it’s peaceful. If you were violated, that is not lovely. Do not think on it. God wants your mind to think on things that bring peace. Isaiah 26:3 says, “I will keep you in perfect peace if your mind is stayed on me.” The mind has to be stayed, steadied in peace. The prophet comes to give you the right thoughts to ponder upon. Your personal prophecy guides your thoughts on those things that are lovely and the will of God. Silence is the place of creation. It is the place where you ready yourself. Your emergency does not move God. Your disaster does not hurry God. Your need does not get God to move on your behalf. Your desperation does not move God. This might be painful, but you have to be still and know that God has everything under control. However, the prophet can bring the interruption that will get you to a place of readiness to meet God and his peace, that peace found in that still small voice. Stillness readies the mind to receive the movement of God in you. Stillness readies the spirit for the movement of God in you as your personal prophecy creates a platform for God’s actions.
All things will be so when the mind is ready
You cannot find His presence in the noise. That’s why the prophet found God in the still, small voice. You can’t hear God in the noise unless you can find the stillness in the center of the noise. Whatever you are lacking, it is because you haven’t found the stillness in you. There is a point in the eye of the storm where it is safe. In the center there is safety. You have to get into the center of who you are. Your personal prophecy can guide you to this center. The center of your being brings you into the safety of God. When we look at the Lord’s supper, the disciples were in a relaxed position. As a matter of fact, one of the disciples had his head on Jesus’ breast. So, they were leaning and relaxing. In the Greek culture, when the people would pontificate, they would sit on the porch in a relaxed position, eating grapes, and receiving revelation. When you are in a relaxed state, knowledge flows. When you are protecting ideas and ideologies about yourself, you are in attack mode. But when you relax and are at peace, then all the universe will be at peace with you. Life meets you the way you meet life.
For this reason you want to meet your personal prophecy now as you begin to now come into peace and relax in the Lord like many prophets in the bible. God will not speak in the heat of your circumstances. He only talks in the “cool” of your day. Once the mind is in that state of relaxation that’s where we do our programming. That is the cool of your day— the cooling down period where you can relax and do your spiritual work in your sleep state of consciousness. You cannot relax in the heat.You can’t hear God in the heat. We must know how to enter into the silence. Don’t take offense when somebody tells you be silent. Let God speak, let the prophet speak and bring confirmation. When you let God speak within you, He will start talking through you and you will align with your personal prophecy at once. That is entering the divine silence. That is entering the divine silence
Sunday, October 27, 2013
8 Keys for Holding Onto Your Prophetic Word During Times of Adversity
Tuesday, September 24, 2013
Are We Pentecostals Losing Our Religion by Holding Our Tongue-Talking?
Praying in tongues is getting a lot of attention in secular media these days. The New York Times recently published an article called “Why We Talk in Tongues,” and the Associated Press is reporting “Messages in Tongues Down Among Pentecostals.”
Wait, what?
Can you even be Pentecostal—or charismatic—without praying in tongues? Isn’t it somewhat of an oxymoron to stumble upon a born-again, blood-bought, Spirit-filled believer who doesn’t speak in tongues? After all, the evidence of being filled with the Spirit is speaking in other tongues and prophesying (Acts 19:6).
I was shocked by the AP report about a small Assemblies of God congregation that looks just like every other Pentecostal church service—except nobody is speaking in tongues. The wire service positions Three Crosses Church as an example of a downward trend in tongue-talking—for the sake of moving into the mainstream.
Wait, what?
Squashing a gift of the Spirit to cater to the mainstream? Suppressing spiritual gifts to find acceptance in the mainstream?
God forbid Pentecostals and charismatics stop speaking in tongues at church for the sake of the mainstream! I mean, since when has true Christianity ever been mainstream anyway? We’re supposed to have a reputation for turning the world upside down (Acts 17:6), not putting God in a seeker-friendly box so churchgoers—wearing foam earplugs in case the music is too loud and duly caffeinated with lattes from the cafe—have a more comfortable experience.
"It's different now," Pastor Ken Walters of Three Crosses Church told the AP. "People don't like to stand out if they don't have to."
Wait, what?
Many churches have already conformed to the world, tapping into a spirit of entertainment to make the church more seeker friendly. Do we now have to conform to the world in our prayer life also (Rom. 12:2)? I mean, what’s next? Do we stop praying in church altogether and turn a worship service into a weekly Sunday morning motivational seminar with no mention of Father, Son and Holy Ghost, lest we make visitors uncomfortable and they don’t give an offering? God forbid! The Bible says, “Do not quench the Spirit” (1 Thess. 5:19).
I’ve shared in the past how the first time I saw people praying in tongues it completely freaked me out. Of course, that wasn’t in a church setting. Don’t get me wrong; I’m not suggesting that church folks should bust out in tongues in the middle of a service or get so carried away during worship that they distract the congregation, claiming, “The Holy Ghost made me do it!” Nor am I suggesting that the preacher should replace his Bible teaching with a message in tongues that no one understands (1 Cor. 14:1-12). Everything in church should be done decently and in order (v. 40).
But during prayer meetings, during worship or during an altar call, quietly speaking in tongues is a natural part of the Pentecostal/charismatic service. Putting a lid on tongues at church not only risks quenching the Spirit, but it may also grieve Him.
If the Spirit gives us utterance and we don’t release what He’s saying—even if that’s intercession in an unknown tongue—we could be hindering God’s purposes: “For we do not know what we should pray for as we ought, but the Spirit Himself makes intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered” (Rom. 8:26). If we expect to see more miracles, we need to give the Holy Spirit free reign—and that means allowing people to speak in tongues when the Spirit gives them utterance (Acts 2:4). Again, decently and in order.
Speaking in tongues is one of the defining marks of Pentecostals and charismatics. So, are we losing our religion? And if we lose this aspect of our faith, what else are we ultimately giving up with it? Are we moving into an age of “don’t ask, don’t tell” if you are filled with the Holy Spirit and speak in a supernatural prayer language? God forbid!
"This is our power," Nick Farone, a pastor who runs a Christian center in Louisiana and a member of the Pentecostal Church of God, told the AP. "We shouldn't be ashamed."
Can somebody say, “Amen”?
By Jenifer Le Claire
Tuesday, March 19, 2013
Integration of the Apostolic & Prophetic Ministry in the Time of Reformation
One of the core values of the Kingdom is evidenced in the expression of men working together in team ministry. One of the greatest examples of this value can be found in God’s desire and design for apostles and prophets to synergistically work together in team concert.
Wednesday, February 6, 2013
A Prophetic Word for 2013: Make A Decision and Commitment for Christ
Spiritual Abuse, Christian Cults and Controlling Ministries
Friday, June 29, 2012
Pls read this letter from my friend. It will bless your heart as a true father.
Thursday, June 21, 2012
Worship is going into the Holy of Holies. From the moment the worship service begins, we are on a journey towards that place. One of the words translated worship in Greek is “Proskuneo.” It literally means to “prostrate oneself in homage.” It is used in Matthew 2:2 “Where is He who has been born King of the Jews? For we have seen His star in the East and have come to worship Him.” (my emphasis). But while it means to bow it also means to “Kiss towards”, to blow a kiss towards God!
The main aim of the Holy Spirit is to focus us on Jesus. This is difficult for musicians, worship leaders and pastors alike. We all have agendas, programmes and egos to struggle with. There needs to come a time when a true death to self and all these other things come so that we may indeed be lead by the chief Worship Leader, the Holy Spirit.
“It is the Spirit who gives life; the flesh profits nothing. The words that I speak to you are spirit, and they are life” (John 6:63)
“They are created now and not from the beginning; and before this day you have not heard them, lest you should say, `Of course I knew them.’ “(Isaiah 48:7)
people.”’ —- Like with Adam.
“Now the Lord is the Spirit; and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.”
Where the Holy Spirit is allowed to be Lord, where He is given full right of way, liberty to do as He pleases, where His is not limited, He will bring Liberty.
“Nevertheless even among the rulers many believed in Him, but because of the Pharisees they did not confess Him, lest they should be put out of the synagogue; for they loved the praise of men more than the praise of God”. (John 12:42-43)
“And he said to them: ‘Men of Israel, take heed to yourselves what you intend to do regarding these men. And now I say to you, keep away from these men and let them alone; for if this plan or this work is of men, it will come to nothing; but if it is of God, you cannot overthrow it lest you even be found to fight against God.”’ (Acts 34,35,38,39.)