Friday, February 17, 2012

Prophetic Order

God is a God of Order, therefore everything that He speaks or will speak is done with order. This is true going back to the genesis of mankind. On each particular day of creation, He orderly created the heavens and the earth. When He speaks, every Word God speaks is spoken in order. This is why a prophet may receive a Word from God, but has to wait the orderly time and season to bring it forth. Otherwise, the Word will be spoken prematurely or from a prophet of whom God did not intend to speak. Not every Word that is heard from God is to be spoken. As a prophet you have to know if God wants you or another prophet to speak. Never be eager to speak a Word to anyone! This is a trick in which the powers of darkness uses to cause a prophet to be out-of-order. Wait until God speaks through you, even if it means holding or pondering the prophetic word.

If the prophetic word is to be spoken, it will come forth! This was the case with Jeremiah. The Word was so alive within him that when he tried to hold it in, it was like fire within his bones. However Ezekiel said he would stand watch to see what God wanted him to speak to the people. Either way, what is spoken must be done in order.

Order also is seen among the prophets. Seasoned prophets should be more wiser and more experienced in the Prophetic Word. God uses more seasoned prophets who have not become contaminated, to speak with clarity and accuracy the Word of God. However, God can and often does call an unseasoned prophet to prophesy, as in the case of the Prophet Amos, (who was not a prophet originally, but a fruit farmer) to speak what He normally would give to a more seasoned prophet. Order in the prophetic is determined only by God.  God shifts that order sometimes to keep those who are seasoned humble, and so that we will know that what we speak, we have no authority to speak, and can have no idea what to say, unless God through us speaks!

Then there are cases where seasoned prophets are used to correct the errors of those who are new to the prophetic mantle. When this happens, the unseasoned prophet should seek clarity from God, and use the wisdom of those who no doubt have made the same or similar mistakes as they have grown in the prophetic mantle. However, again when seasoned prophets become arrogant and contaminated, God also will use unseasoned prophets to correct them. All of it is about knowing that we are no more than vessels and mouth pieces. Therefore none of us are "all that". I like to think of it as being mail carriers. We only carry and deliver God's mail - not write or create it. This in and of itself should keep us in divine prophetic order.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011


“...Now, therefore you are no longer strangers and foreigners…”
The story of the lepers involves ten despondent men who were ostracized from the society due to a contagious skin disease. It was believe in the custom of the old testament days that leprosy was associated with. The message of this narrative is still relevant today. They did not just sit on the face of life by reason of their affliction, nor did they resolve to live a life of limitations as lepers.  They recognized that Christ the anointed One was in town and released their faith for a new beginning, and for restoration. It was not just enough to talk about new beginnings, prophesy and prayer change but  remain in the same leprous state. Change has to be contended for (Jude 3). It is pointless and ignorance for any believer to stay in stagnation without recourse to the word of God. Once you have a manual in your hand, you can fix any equipment it accompanies. Once you have the word of God in your heart, you can fix any malady in your life. The ten lepers needed access into the life of God predestined for them and not the life of quarantine they were subjected to by their physical condition. Child of God, divorce, poverty, disease, any form of infirmity are all example of spiritual leprosy that must be rejected. Such conditions can place you in spiritual quarantine and choose the quality of people around you. Bear in mind that leprosy is a contagious disease. Don’t accept labels attached to your current experiences which if care is not taken will turn minor setbacks into permanent protracted problems. No matter where you are at presently whether emotionally, physically or spiritually, it is important to understand that you can “call” to the Lord and expect him to answer you (Jeremiah 33:3). God answers to pronounce a new spiritual order over your life. When He answers as He most surely will do, what are you going to do with your praise? Are you to offer your praise to man or to God who promises to deliver you in six troubles? (proverbs 5: 19). Jesus’ birth established a new order and so did his death. The lepers  sought access to divine healing and He came into town. Your are today new creation in Christ with permanent access to recreate any situation in your life that is not lining up with the word of God. You have access to the eternal King of glory to birth a new order today; “For through him we both have access by one spirit to the Father” (Ephesians 2:18). When you get into your prayer closet today, remember to utilize the access you have to the Father given by Jesus’ precious blood and ensure the mind of Christ for you in the month if fully birthed.

Further Scripture Reading: Psalm 66:5-7, Isaiah 42:14-20, Ephesians 1, Ephesians 3,
Prayer: Lord I bless your holy name, and I thank you Father for making a way for me with your blood to continually come you for change.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011


The girdle was a convenient place for carrying different weapons, namely the sword and the dagger. The bible says in 1st Samuel that “David and his men girded on their swords”. Similar illusions to the use of this girdle are made in Deuteronomy 1:41, Psalm 45:3, Songs of songs 3:8 and Isaiah 8:9.
This kind of girdle was not an ordinary girdle. It is a military girdle. The military girdle was not, however, a mere sword-sash, but a strong belt that was designed to strengthen the body and at the same time to cover such portions of the abdomen as might be unprotected by the breastplate or cuirass. Some girdles, indeed, seem to have been a constituent part of the cuirass, intended to fasten it more firmly. The importance of the girdle as a piece of armor is seen in the fact that thorough preparation for the fight is called “girding on”.
Let us see what Paul said in his epistle to the Ephesians, Chapter 6 verse 14, he says “Stand firm then with the belt of truth buckled around your waist” NIV. Military belts were made of stronger materials than those designed for common purposes. Leather, iron and bronze were used in the construction, and, where rich ornament was required, silver and gold was used.
Truth cannot be over emphasized. Apostle John spoke a great deal on the subject of Truth, opening our eyes to it reality and nature. He says in John 8:32 that “you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free”. This tells us that Truth has a nature and an ability to “make” when girded on. No matter the enemy you are facing, when you have this belt on, then, there is nothing to worry about.
What is the Truth?
“Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father but by me.”
                                                                                                                                    John 14:6
 “Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth”                                      John 17:17

This truth we seek is The Word that became flesh (John 1:1-14). This is Jesus Christ Himself and only by putting on the truth shall we be able to stand in the face of battle. Not only putting on but also listening to the spirit of truth (John 14:17) will we receive timely and strategic Rhema for entering into Gods glory. 

Take up the word of truth today and gird yourself with it,
Invite the Spirit of Truth to Dwell within,
Only then shall we succeed in it,
All that the Heavens has placed within.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011


“… We must through much tribulation enter the kingdom of
 God.” Acts 17: 22. In our attempts to enter kingdom 
dimensions that have been revealed to us by the Spirit, 
we will encounter great resistance and we must endure 
and persist until we enter. Fierce opposition will 
confront us and attempt to block us, thwart out progress. 
“Great and effectual door open before me but there are 
many adversaries.” 1Cor. 16: 9. 
The devil will not sit quietly and allow any human being break into kingdom dimensions in this world and will do everything in his power to stop such attempts.
Thus it is with great persistence and perseverance that 
we overcome these odds and eventually enter in. When we
 achieve this, we begin to manifest that kingdom
 dimension and inspire others to rise and enter 
demonstrating that God’s word is true. In Satan’s 
warped thinking He calls this rebellion!
This is what he wants to discredit the most; that God’s word is true. We must persist in our believing in spite of the prolonged and fierce contradictions we experience, consistently proclaiming our faith position and pressing in through faith actions in spite of “no results”. Satan wants to wear us out, but no, we will wear Him out! We must continue until our faith is proven.
Faith untested is faith unproven and severe is the test. God shows up when our faith is proven and we enter into powerful demonstration and experience. However, this happens at the very climax of contradictions, and sadly, only very few persist to that point. The others want an instant fix. That is why our Lord Jesus Christ said “When the Son of Man returns, will He still find faith in the earth?” These contradictions to faith are allowed by God for the strengthening of your faith. Like Smith Wigglesworth said “Great trials produce great faith!” 
The contradictions continue until we come to the place
 where there’s no more hope and everything in our lives contradict the revelation we have received and our faith position. We come to the place where from the natural standpoint, all is lost, all hope gone and all possibility of fulfillment finally past. We are literally dead, brought by severe contradictions to ‘the end’. Yet we persist in believing! The Son of God must find us believing on the day of His sure appearance! 
This is what qualifies us for the resurrection and that is exactly what happens next! “If thou wouldest believe thou shouldest see the glory (manifestation) of God!” … the very words of our Lord Jesus Christ. 
God shows up.
You may be coveting as you see others manifest something in God (a ministry, ability, Christ-like trait, etc) and you have a revelation in your heart and a craving to demonstrate the same and have been receiving prayers in vain… 
You may get a healing on a healing line as a “great
 anointed man of God” prays for you…
You may get a miracle and answered prayer as a “man of
 God” prays for you in the situation...
But for you to become the Godman, the son of God, that
 you have been predestined to be, living perpetually in righteousness, joy, peace, divine health and life, provision, wisdom, power, victory, and other kingdom dimensions, you must go through the tribulation of believing without seeing and this may be for longer seasons than you would naturally be able to endure. But the trial of your faith produces endurance too, glory to God! 
Thus your faith or believing first changes you into
 ‘another man’ , the - son – of - God- kind – of – man, then that anti-kingdom condition (sinful habit, personal character or temperamental weakness, sickness, inherited trait, failure, powerlessness, demonic experience, etc) losses its power over you once and for all!
You rise once and for all clear and above that situation
 forever.  You have overcome it by faith and have become a proclaimer of that divine truth, ability, characteristic or nature, inspiring others to likewise rise. 
This is the believer you want to be.
Go through the tribulation!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011


So,this is the ABC's of God, just listing off how awesomely cool God is with words or sentences.

Here we go!

A ~ Alluring, Astonishing, All seeing, Adonai.
B ~ Breathtaking, Boastful over His creation, Belt of truth, Breast plate of righteousness, Breath of life.
C ~ Courageous, Caring, Compassionate, Covering, Creator, Cloak of humility.
D ~ Daring, Dancer, Deliverer.
E ~ Eloquent, Emanuel, Elohim, Enrapturing, Eye-opening, Extraordinary.
F ~ Fiery, Fierce, Fascinating, Flourishing with life and love, Footpath, Faithful.
G ~ Glorious, Go-getter, Gallant, Gushing with joy, Gospel of peace, Gentle
H ~ Holy, Heartfelt, Helper, Handsome, Helmet of salvation.
I ~ Irresistible, Incredible, Inspiring.
J ~ Joyous, Justice, Jehovah-Raffa, Jubilee.
K ~ King of Kings, Kind, Knower of everything.
L ~ Lover of my soul, Life, Love, Light, Lion of Judah, Lord of Lords.
M ~ Maker of heaven and earth, Majesty, Mustard seed, Mountain.
N ~ Nourishment, New-beginnings, Nice, Near, Noble, Necessity, New wine.
O ~ Over all the earth, Omniscient, Omnipresent, Omnipotent.
P ~ Prince of Peace, Power, Plentiful, Precious.
Q ~ Queer, Quiet, Quizzical, Quenching, Quick, Quiver full of arrows, Quest of majestic wonders.
R ~ Redeemer, Rock of ages, Rejected, Revival.
S ~ Sword of the Spirit, Swift, Shoes of peace, Savior, Shield of faith, Salvation.
T ~ Trusting, Truth, Thirst Quencher.
U ~ Understanding, Unforgettable, Unanimous, Universal.
V ~ Visionary, Victorious, Valiant.
W ~ Wine, the Way, Wellspring of Wisdom, Wealth, Witty.
X ~ eXuberant, eXact.
Y ~ Yeshua, Yours and mine, Yearning for us, Yahweh.
Z ~ Zealous, Zany


Sunday, September 11, 2011


John Huss (1380-1415)

“…...:I again fell asleep, and then dreamed that Almighty God sent me a monk, who was a true son of the Apostle Paul. All the saints accompanied him by order of God, in order to bear testimony before me, and to declare that he did not come to contrive any plot, but that all that he did was according to the will of God. They asked me to have the goodness graciously to permit him to write something on the door of the church of the Castle of Wittenberg. This I granted through my chancellor”.
On January 17, 2010 I was visiting with a minister friend after a service in his church. Immediately we got into his house the Holy Spirit moved on me and asked us to pray about a ministry in writing and publications. While we prayed, ardently asking the lord to “give us the tongue of the learned and the Pen of a ready writer” in releasing his oil to write and publish, I felt impressed with the phrase “the hundred year old Bohemian goose”.
I was being reminded of the dream the ruler of Martin Luther’s country had the very night before martin Luther pasted his famous 95 Theses on a Castle church door at Wittenberg.
The lord impressed on me that to have a true writing grace from him, we had to found our hearts and writings on the foundations he has laid from generations past through the writings of our forefathers in the spirit. He released an understanding of the alignment of spiritual generations and how we can have precision, power and prophetic authority  to fulfill  former generation’s writings in our own lives and writings, only by aligning our writings with the writings of our fore fathers in the spirit, preserving the integrity of the voice of God through out all generations.
This was clearly a burden on His heart and a clear condition without which our ministries in prophetic publications and media will not be fulfilled. The Lord is opening the door of prophetic power to write.
Notice how the lord spoke to John the apostle in the book of revelation: Rev 1: 11 – I am Alpha and Omega, the first and the last: and, what thou seest, write in a book…..”

Before asking John to write, he firstly introduced Himself as the Alpha and Omega, clearly announcing his presence through out all generations before giving John the authority to write to the church.
The purpose of genealogies in the scriptures was to show the origins of all things and peoples and to trace their existence through time to their current position. Jesus therefore as the alpha and omega opens this sphere to John and then commands him to write, because in Jesus Christ as the alpha and omega, the complete picture of God’s revelations through out time is made accessible.
Rev 1:17-19“…fear not; I am the first and the last: I am he that liveth, and was dead and behold, I am alive for evermore, Amen;…write the things which thou hast seen, and the things which are and the things which shall be hereafter. 

Jesus asked John to ‘write’ connecting the past with the present and the future. This is the posture for prophetic ministry and writing.
Prophets, like Daniel, have been known to be ardent historians who chronicle the origins and times of words from God, and seasons of the dealings of God with people and nations in order to have a complete understanding of what God demanded at a particular junction in time. “…I Daniel understood by books the number of the years, whereof the word of the lord came to Jeremiah the prophet, that he would accomplish seventy years….” Dan. 9:2
Daniel’s prayers, seeking of God, visions and resultant writings could only be birthed when he yielded his heart to Jeremiah’s writing from a previous generation.

We have no foundation without our Fathers. The unstoppable power of the purposes of Christ through out the generations is locked into the unyielding commitment and passion of our fathers and spiritual forebears.
Back to the subject of the ‘100 year old Bohemian goose’, I have attached below the actual story of that dream on the very eve of the reformation, after which I highlighted some striking points.
Please read:
John Huss, a Catholic priest and professor at the university of Prague was burned at the stake for preaching the Gospel of Christ.
Burning of John Huss on July 6, 1415.
John Huss was burned at the stake for preaching the Gospel of Christ. Before he was burned he said this to his executioners:"You are now going to burn a goose, (the name of Huss signifying goose in the Bohemian language), but in a century you will have a swan whom you can neither roast nor boil." 

Martin Luther (1483-1546). 

Martin Luther, a Catholic priest like John Huss, posted his 95 Theses exactly 100 years after the death of John Huss.
Saint Martin Luther was the swan who came exactly 100 years later!!
The night before Luther posted his famous 95 Theses, the Elector Frederich the Wise had a strange dream which he related the next morning:
"Then I dreamed that all the princes of the Empire, and we among them, hastened to Rome, and strove, one after another, to break the pen; but the more we tried the stiffer it became, sounding as if it had been made of iron. We at length desisted. I then asked the monk (for I was sometimes at Rome, and sometimes at Wittenberg) where he got this pen, and why it was so strong. ‘The pen,’ replied he, ‘belonged to an old goose of Bohemia, a hundred years old. I got it from one of my old schoolmasters. As to its strength, it is owing to the impossibility of depriving it of its pith or marrow; and I am quite astonished at it myself.’ Suddenly I heard a loud noise — a large number of other pens had sprung out of the long pen of the monk. I awoke a third time:

The Elector Frederick the Wise' famous dream the night before Oct 31. 1517.

We step a moment out of the domain of history, to narrate a dream which the Elector Frederick of Saxony had on the night preceding the memorable day on which Luther affixed his "Theses" to the door of the castle-church.
The elector told it the next morning to his brother, Duke John, who was then residing with him at his palace of Schweinitz, six leagues from Wittenberg. The dream is recorded by all the chroniclers of the time. Of its truth there is no doubt, however we may interpret it. We cite it here as a compendious and dramatic epitome of the affair of the "Theses," and the movement which grew out of them.
On the morning of the 31st October, 1517, the elector said to Duke John,
"Brother, I must tell you a dream which I had last night, and the meaning of which I should like much to know. It is so deeply impressed on my mind, that I will never forget it, were I to live a thousand years. For I dreamed it thrice, and each time with new circumstances."
Duke John: "Is it a good or a bad dream?"
The Elector: "I know not; God knows."
Duke John: "Don’t be uneasy at it; but be so good as tell it to me."
The Elector: "Having gone to bed last night, fatigued and out of spirits, I fell asleep shortly after my prayer, and slept calmly for about two hours and a half; I then awoke, and continued awake to midnight, all sorts of thoughts passing through my mind. Among other things, I thought how I was to observe the Feast of All Saints. I prayed for the poor souls in purgatory; and supplicated God to guide me, my counsels, and my people according to truth. I again fell asleep, and then dreamed that Almighty God sent me a monk, who was a true son of the Apostle Paul. All the saints accompanied him by order of God, in order to bear testimony before me, and to declare that he did not come to contrive any plot, but that all that he did was according to the will of God. They asked me to have the goodness graciously to permit him to write something on the door of the church of the Castle of Wittenberg. This I granted through my chancellor. Thereupon the monk went to the church, and began to write in such large characters that I could read the writing at Schweinitz. The pen which he used was so large that its end reached as far as Rome, where it pierced the ears of a lion that was crouching there, and caused the triple crown upon the head of the Pope to shake. All the cardinals and princes, running hastily up, tried to prevent it from falling. You and I, brother, wished also to assist, and I stretched out my arm; — but at this moment I awoke, with my arm in the air, quite amazed, and very much enraged at the monk for not managing his pen better. I recollected myself a little; it was only a dream.
"I was still half asleep, and once more closed my eyes. The dream returned. The lion, still annoyed by the pen, began to roar with all his might, so much so that the whole city of Rome, and all the States of the Holy Empire, ran to see what the matter was. The Pope requested them to oppose this monk, and applied particularly to me, on account of his being in my country. I again awoke, repeated the Lord’s prayer, entreated God to preserve his Holiness, and once more fell asleep."
"Then I dreamed that all the princes of the Empire, and we among them, hastened to Rome, and strove, one after another, to break the pen; but the more we tried the stiffer it became, sounding as if it had been made of iron. We at length desisted. I then asked the monk (for I was sometimes at Rome, and sometimes at Wittenberg) where he got this pen, and why it was so strong. ‘The pen,’ replied he, ‘belonged to an old goose of Bohemia, a hundred years old. I got it from one of my old schoolmasters. As to its strength, it is owing to the impossibility of depriving it of its pith or marrow; and I am quite astonished at it myself.’ Suddenly I heard a loud noise — a large number of other pens had sprung out of the long pen of the monk. I awoke a third time: it was daylight."
Duke John: "Chancellor, what is your opinion? Would we had a Joseph, or a Daniel, enlightened by God!"
Chancellor: "Your highness knows the common proverb, that the dreams of young girls, learned men, and great lords have usually some hidden meaning. The meaning of this dream, however, we shall not be able to know for some time — not till the things to which it relates have taken place. Wherefore, leave the accomplishment to God, and place it fully in his hand."
Duke John: "I am of your opinion, Chancellor; ‘tis not fit for us to annoy ourselves in attempting to discover the meaning. God will overrule all for his glory."
Elector: "May our faithful God do so; yet I shall never forget, this dream. I have, indeed, thought of an interpretation, but I keep it to myself. Time, perhaps, will show if I have been a good diviner."5
So passed the morning of the 31st October, 1517, in the royal castle of Schweinitz. The events of the evening at Wittenberg we have already detailed. The elector has hardly made an end of telling his dream when the monk comes with his hammer to interpret it… 

Editor's Note
John Huss, the Bohemian Reformer was the goose.  Huss was burned at the stake, but he predicted that within a hundred years a swan would arise that they would not be able to burn. Luther loved to portray himself as that swan.
Excerpted from History of Protestantism, Vol. I. by Dr. J.A. Wylie

It’s clear from the records that John Huss’ prophecy came to pass in the person of Martin Luther, who also was the subject of the Elector’s vision. And a major part of his work was accomplished through writing. However the power of his writings had its source in generations before he came.
It is note worthy that in the Vision, God Almighty introduced ‘the monk’ i.e. martin Luther as “atrue son of the Apostle Paul”. Here a spiritual genealogy is revealed: Luther is shown to be a spiritual heir to apostle Paul; this was key, as the tracing of Luther’s spiritual genealogy from Paul to Huss shows us God still has a spiritual genealogy of people who’s foundations he approves, which we do well to build upon.
Martin Luther had to go as far as to dis-align himself with fathers of his day in order to align with the spiritual fore-fathers to find God’s approval and discover God’s ancient foundations to build up from.
In the vision when the Elector asked him the source of the Pen’s strength, the reply indicated that the pen was not his, but belonged to a Bohemian goose i.e. John Huss. And the strength of his pen which was unbreakable owed to the pith and marrow (i.e. core substance of soul and spirit) of John Huss. This revealed the strength and impact of Luther’s writings not to be of Luther himself but to be of John Huss! The substance of Huss’ soul was so strong that he laid down his very life for what he preached and wrote. ("Lord Jesus, it is for thee that I patiently endure this cruel death. I pray thee to have mercy on my enemies." – John Huss said as he was burned at the stake.)
But his commitment even to the blood of his life became the fuel for Luther’s writings.
“Remove not the ancient landmark which thy fathers have set” Prov. 22:28
 Of striking note is this statement: ‘‘The pen,’ replied he, ‘belonged to an old goose of Bohemia, a hundred years old”.
The goose is not said to be dead, but was said to be 100 years old. Meaning the goose i.e. Huss was still alive! In fact the vision showed that all the other saints in heaven accompanied Luther on God’s order to witness to his words.
The point is clear, these men, Huss, Paul and others in God’s lineage are alive and their witness still speaks in the earth. They with their message are immortal.
“I am the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob…God is not the God of the dead, but of the God of the living”. Matth. 22:32.

Martin Luther is recorded to have produced an astonishing number of Bibles, books etc in a day when the typesetting, printing and binding was done by hand!
Luther’s writing literarily changed the face of Christianity in line with God’s truth as well as altered the landscape of Europe. His pen literarily pierced the ear of the lion in Rome which of course, was the demonic prince ruling from there. Such was the impact of his words and writings that it literarily marked the shift into a new day in the known world.

But his authority came by his spiritual connection with the heart of the forefathers which brought him into prophetic alignment and spiritual timing to fulfill prophecy.
This is the key into prophetic authority in writing the lord wants us to have in these times, when many prophetic words are set to be fulfilled.
In the end, the pen in the vision exploded into many little pens. This clearly indicates the many prophetic ‘writing mantles’ still waiting to be picked up by true sons and heirs who will follow in the spiritual lineage and genealogies of God in the earth.
The power and spiritual heritage our forefathers laid down their lives to release are still waiting to be picked up.

The Territorial Patterns of God.

‘….write…. the Mystery of the seven stars which thou sawest in my right hand, and the seven golden candle sticks. The seven stars are the angels of the seven churches: and the seven candle sticks which thou sawest are the seven churches’. – Rev. 1: 10-12, 16, 20.

Rev. 5:5 ‘ And I beheld and, lo , in the midst of the throne and of the four beasts…stood a Lamb…having seven horns and seven eyes, which are the seven spirits of God sent forth into all the earth.’
Have you discerned the impartation sent from God into your city?

So many Believers are aware of the demonic forces sent into their lands, and how the evil strongholds operate. But few are aware of the spirits sent from God into their area and the strongholds of God positioned for their help.

Just as the Spirit of God has specific purposes and intentions for an individual, he has also a divine purpose and intent for a particular territory. And God therefore sends forth his spirit(s) into that part of the earth for that specific purpose.

When a people or church is aligned spiritually with the purposes of God for that land, they receive the impartation of the spirit and power sent from God into their territory to perform the intent of God for that time and season. They get supernatural strength and favour and blessings as they move, accomplishing a great deal for God.

These spirits bring forth the words and power of Christ to that town/city in the form of messengers and anointings, gifts, callings and visitations. People begin to receive visitations of truth and power to establish the word of the lord in the place. As this spreads a people arise who hold the love and truth of the Lord in the land, and become the Lords Lamp stand in that territory.

The Lamp stand Church
No one becomes a part of the Lamp stand by simply being a registered member of a church or a denomination alone. This isn’t even about a faithfulness of regular attendance of worship meetings as an end in itself. Rather it is about being faithful to the lord and His truth in our hearts and lives. Not being lukewarm but being fervent about it and ‘holding fast’. It is about a people who carry in their lives the spirit, truth and power that has been delivered unto to them and are a faithful witness of it. Their loyalty is to the Name of the Lord and the true angels/messengers who come in his Name.
These people will constitute the lamp stand for the revelation and power sent into their territory.

Kingdom Prophetic Voices
And then Kingdom Prophetic ministries now have the chance to fulfill their calls. Just as John the beloved did, in providing revelatory insight to the Churches in those cities. Not as unto denominational churches/ministries but as territorial Churches and Lampstands of the lord.
John the beloved’s prophetic sight and ministry revealed God’s design for the territories mentioned in the book of Revelations, not just local assemblies or ministries. His prophetic sight revealed a territorial pattern of God’s plan that connected seven cities in God’s visitations, revelations and judgments, i.e. it showed how several territories can be connected together in the revelations of the lord and the spiritual timing of his visitations for them. The word for one city triggered the revelation for the next. The visitation for the city of Ephesus triggered the visitation for the city of Smyrna. And the lord would not speak to one city without the presence of the other city, so also today the word he has for one city may not be conclusive or full without its connection with other cities. 

Divine Connection of Cities
Different cities and territories in Nigeria have specific anointings sent from the Lord into them. And just as there are seven churches in the book of Revelations with specific visitations from the lord, and all of them together forming a ‘prophetic circuitry’ for the messages of Christ. So also there are spirit connections of God between certain cities in different parts of this country. And the spiritual releases and breakthroughs from the lord in one place will have direct implications for the other. But the connections between these cities in divine purpose are established by the Lord alone. However, the outworking of these connections is perceptible to the revelatory ‘eye’ of the kingdom prophetic voices the Lord is releasing in this time. These callings will help the body of Christ receive the impartations sent into their territories. Entering into these designs will lift the church into the authority to fulfill the purposes of God.

Pin pointing Satanic Infiltrations
An important part of the calling on John was to point out the satanic deceptions and infiltrations against these lamp stand churches. This is a clear need in the body of Christ in Nigeria today. However such will be the sight and discernment from these kingdom voices that cleverly disguised deception and infiltrations of Satan currently in operation against the body will be identified and foiled by a church now energized and intensified with sight.

An Apostolic Spirit sent to the Middle-belt of Nigeria
I remember encountering the intense presence of a being of fire – an apostolic spirit and anointing sent into one city in the middle belt of Nigeria while on a visit there. This anointing was sent to impart and raise a home grown apostolic environment and move of the spirit from ground level upwards (not imposed from outside) through the lives of young men and women connected to that land. These men were to be taken on spiritual journeys through their callings that will take them beyond the old, weak and no longer effective wineskins found in their area into discerning and yielding into the new building patterns this anointing would bring.
The result would be a people and an environment in which God could release a whole new level of insight and unction to reveal the next levels of his plans and release men tuned with these impartations to fulfill them.
The lord had already sent some men to fore-run this release on his people. However, some of them interpreted themselves by the old wineskins, not yielding to the purpose and spirit God had sent for that season; this diverted them to seeking relevance with the old wineskin God called them to renew.
However, over time another set of young men grew into this calling. They found themselves continually leaning into apostolic and prophetic things. And are now currently developing the wineskins and fulfilling the original intent God had for that season God initiated about 14 years ago.

Does your Calling Fit Into Territorial Patterns?
Gifts and callings in this hour need to have an understanding of how they fit specifically into the overall plans of the Spirit for a specific time and season in the particular area the lord has sent them to. Interpreting ourselves and callings in these times has to be with a clear prophetic grasp of the overall picture of the unfolding divine intents, and impartation sent into our territory to accomplish it. This otherwise will leave us open to alternative measures of progress and standards that will end up diverting.

When the first set of men made a progress that wasn’t like the structures of earlier wineskins, they became distracted. However, having strong kingdom prophetic voices to impart them with and keep them focused on their specific and overall prophetic purposes would have averted this. And led them on to the finishing of the intents for which they were sent. Rather than looking for security and fulfillment in a ministry structure that looked good and successful but was out of sync with the unfolding patterns of God.

Secular Callings and the Church beyond the Four Walls
Kingdom prophetic voices will reveal kingdom patterns beyond the ‘four walls of church’ unto a territorial point of view where pastors, ministers and leaders can now function with that level of vision; and other members of the body of Christ not called to preach can now, under prophetic-apostolic impartation perceive and understand a calling and relevance upon their lives into the body of Christ in that land and also to the socio-economic structures of their area, and are tuned and activated through sustained prophetic impact to effectively and powerfully enter into anointed callings for the secular world, having an understanding of their personal times and seasons overlaid by the understanding of the overall intent of God for the land and how the one fits into the other. 

A Calling to National Structures
Jer 1:10 says ‘see this day I have set you over the nations and over the kingdoms, to root out and to pull down, and to destroy and to throw down, to build and to plant.’
-The nature of Jeremiah’s prophetic calling was to nations, kingdoms and territories, to destroy them or build them according to God’s specific intent for each place.
Such is the nature of calling kingdom prophetic-apostolic voices will lead the body of Christ into in this hour.
For many people in this hour feel stirrings and callings from God that has not been identifiable or explained within the context of traditional church settings. They struggle to understand and apply themselves in the ‘normal’ church settings but deep down inside do not feel a fulfillment of their stirrings. Such people’s callings are only fulfilled in the context of territorial church settings where their positioning in the kingdom is more discernable. They’re energized and find fulfillment as the Spirit of God releases them to function in a kingdom pattern he is orchestrating in that land. The environment created by these kingdom voices opens this door unto them.

It is time to discern and enter into the patterns of God for our land.

-Babs Adewunmi.